Please be aware of unauthorized counterfeit goods.

Please be aware of counterfeit goods. Recently, imitation products of Pro Labo Concept have been confirmed. These counterfeit goods, we may not responsible for any problems which occurred at the time of use, as it may differ from our original products and differ in product quality which are sold in a state of impairing customer's reliability.
We sincerely hope that you continue to use our products.


“Pro Labo Concept”.

A Great Japanese Inner
Beauty Brand introducing
to the world.

“Pro Labo Concept” is a high qualityInner Beauty brand
for global market by“Esthe Pro Labo”who is the pioneer and known
for its overwhelming achievements in the Japanese Beauty Industry,
an industry of Beauty Professionals.

In Japan,“Esthe Pro Labo”is a high class Inner Beauty brand that is well-deserved,
and highly trusted by celebrities,
models, top class actors, professional athletes and many more beauty and health conscious people.

Global Location